Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Gays in America

This is neither an antigay rant nor a pro-gay rave. It’s just my observations on the whole hysteria surrounding gays in America.

For sure, homosexuals have been with us since time immemorial. If we are to believe the bible, god destroyed Sodom and Gomorra because of some guys lusted for Lot’s male visitors. So, because of some uptight Jews, homosexuality became an abomination before the lord.

A few weeks ago Dr. Charles Stanley was commenting on individuals “practicing the homosexual lifestyle”. Hate to disappoint the good doctor, but, could it be that nature played a cruel joke on some folks? I don’t believe these good people purposefully elected to be ridiculed and be made objects of hatred and violence.

Contrary to what evangelical Christians believe, you can no more pray away the gay that a black person can pray away being black.

I am fully convinced that all matter of disdain is really a form of self loathing or self reassuring and any prejudice against gays is proof that “I’m not one of them”.

As a youngster, I used to listen to Billy James Hargis, a big anti-communist. I was young and was taught by my parents to fear “godless communism”. As it turns out, I found out many years later that good old Billy James was a child molester.

Could it be that all anti-gays are really afraid that if they took it up the ass, they might enjoy it? I am a 100%, red blooded heterosexual. I neither fear nor hate homosexuals. And shame on you if you use the bible to justify your prejudices.

“Good Christians” have used the bible to keep blacks segregated and invade the Holy Land. Does anyone remember the Crusades? Oh, yeah. Your church wasn’t involved in that. So, please don’t use god for your prejudices; be honest, mostly with yourself, because  we're not buying.


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