Friday, February 3, 2012

Illegal Immigration

It seems we have two opposite views on immigration: those that want open borders and those that would have ALL illegals rounded up and deported.

Allow me to tackle this one at a time.

Firstly, open borders will only lead to anarchy. If things are bad along the border now, have you thought what will happen if anyone can enter without impunity? I’ve heard the pro-illegal crowd say we are separating families when we sent parents back to their country of origin. Well, the state had no problem breaking up my brother’s family when he was sent to prison. The state does it every day when they send one or both parents to prison. Now, don’t tell me persons coming illegally are all good people just trying to better themselves. THEY COULDN’T WAIT.

It’s a slap in the face to all the good folks that followed the rules to offer blanket amnesty to all illegal aliens. Although many are hard working and stay out of trouble, there aren’t enough jobs to keep everyone out of trouble. And then there is the bunch that will load up on everything they can.

It’s chicken shit to call the Governor of Alabama a racist. His state can’t afford to keep educating illegal’s children and curing them in the county hospitals or keeping them in jail.

I’ve heard the weak argument, “They contribute more than they take”. Toro caca. Why are Catholic churches where aliens have become the majority in such a sad condition? Because they don’t contribute their fair share.

To the anti-illegal crowd I say, “You’re peeing against the wind”. You should know that while your congressman may stump against illegal immigration, he’s not going to do anything. Sure makes for a good public persona but campaign monies come from the very corporations that profit from a cheap labor pool.

It seems the only people that are offended are the Latinos that feel they must kiss Mexican ass. THEY should be kissing OUR asses. I once told some Latino liberals that found the term illegal aliens offensive that maybe we should call drug dealers unregistered pharmacists and hookers, unlicensed entertainers, burglars, uninvited guests.

The Minute Men are at least trying to do something not just bitch. Bravo, Minute Men.


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