Saturday, February 4, 2012

I was once a Democrat

Believe it or not, I was a liberal Democrat some 40 years ago. And, I didn’t have to get mugged to change. Conservatives used to say a conservative was a liberal that hadn’t been mugged yet.

I believe what changed my views were nature shows. Yes, nature shows. In nature you see winners and losers. Some die so that others may live. And it got me to thinking (dangerous thing: thinking). How can humans be any different?

I began to notice people in dire circumstances due to their bad behavior. Brought back some of the religious teachings I had learned as a youngster. My own wayward ways and bad company had led me astray. Once I began to associate with a different crowd my life changed for the better.

I was stern with my children because I know how trying to be “cool” can get you into all kinds of mischief. I have a foster brother that spent over 45 years, three fourths of his life incarcerated. He tells me he had to get his head straight. It took him a long time but he realizes he did it to himself. He doesn’t whine about the bad breaks. He just soldiers on.

I’m saving my rant on poor people for another post.


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