Wednesday, February 13, 2013


It seems the more degreed people I know, the more disdain I have for higher education. Or, maybe it was successfully advocating and winning both sides of the gun control issue. Or, it could have been the introduction to philosophy or economics that shaded my thinking and slowly converted me into a skeptic.

I was listening to my favorite Jew (Dennis Praeger) this morning and he was playing excerpts from the prez’s speech last night and all I heard was toro caca and the morons applauding him.

I hear so many of our university trained people heaping praise on the president for all that he is trying to accomplish not realizing that everything he proposes costs money. Where is the money going to come from? Oh, I forget; the rich.

Boy, does he like to beat that drum. We don’t have enough rich people to pay for all his grandiose plans. What gets me is that people who supposedly are smarter than me, can’t seem to see thru the hype.

No wonder the saying goes, “Don’t talk religion or politics.” Seems I’m always thrust into the middle and it comes to the point I just can’t hack people’s ignorance any longer so I have to throw my two cents worth. Jesus or someone else was right, “Don’t throw your pearls before the swine.”

Seems like people on the left AND the right like to jack each other off. Nobody knows “the Truth” but they and the rest of the world are just a bunch of ignoramuses.

Guess I’ll just join the rest of the world.


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