Monday, February 18, 2013

A Nation of Idiots

I am sick and tired of juries that, “want to send a message.”

I don’t care if it’s a civil suit or a criminal case.

Does anyone remember the lady that sued McDonald’s because she burned her croch? Stupid, stupid, stupid. If I buy a cup of coffee any where I expect it to be hot. I’m not putting the thing between my legs. If I do, I should be slapped for stupidity.

But, no. Somehow it was McDonald’s fault and they were sued for negligence. Now when you buy a cup of to go coffee there is a warning on the lid, “Caution, Contents May Be Hot”

Just how ignorant can people get? Must they be warned of the smallest thing like little children? Hell no. Someone should slap the stupid out of them and do society a favor.

Another case involved a woman who ran over a homeless man and went home with said individual stuck in her windshield. She went home and parked her car in her garage and called friends as to what to do next. Someone came over and helped her dispose of the body in a park.

“Conservative” talk shows were all over the case saying she should be thrown in jail for a long time. Just another case of a jury “wanting to send a message.”

Incarceration serves no one. I’m talking of minor stuff not hard core criminal activity. To my way of thinking, she should have been given probation and as part of her rehabituation, made to stand outside a club every Friday night for a couple of hours with a sign saying she killed someone while being under the influence.

It might save a life and it would certainly save the state thousands of dollars. Now, THAT would be sending a message.


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