Friday, March 16, 2012

Buzz Words

“Ronald Reagan conservative”, “secure borders”, “fair share”

All these and many more have special meaning to particular people.

“Ronald Reagan conservative” is spouted by some conservative, but what does it mean? I heard Michael Reagan a while back that the term “conservative” has a different connotation different than it did 30 years ago and that Ronald Reagan probably could not get the nomination today. So apparently the term “Ronald Reagan conservative” only means something to a select few.

Likewise secure borders mean we have too many Mexicans so let’s stop the flow. And yet people shop at Wal-Mart.

People that pay no taxes are up in arms when it comes to taxing other people. Idiots; half the people in America pay no Federal Income Tax so what are they bitching about. They ride on highways paid for by other people or ride on public transportation paid for by other people. If they don’t own a car, their groceries get to the store on trucks driven over the highways paid for by other people.

Don’t even get me started on food stamps. Every time my wife and I go to the store, we see healthy people driving better vehicles than ours and paying with a Lone Star debit card (that’s the Texas replacement of food stamps).

Call me jaded but I’ll be glad when the dog and pony show called the elections is over.


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