Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Change We Can Believe In

No, I’m not talking about the kind of change Barak Obama promised.

Recently in church there was a power point slide on the wall announcing that soon contributions can be made online.

My wife commented how some people were losing their jobs because of technology.

Well, it got me to thinking how change has gotten us to where we are now. Not just modern technology but subtle changes throughout the ages.

Like it or not war has played a vital role in our progress. The first hospital improvements came about in treating injured soldiers in the field. Emergency room procedures can thank war for any life saving techniques which are now routine.

Canned foods may have had origins in war. Certainly GPS and cell phones had their genesis in war. I’m not trying to glorify war; just pointing out some modern day benefits you may not have known.

As for people losing jobs, like it or not that’s progress. Wagon builders had to adapt or go out of business. There was no need for whip makers once we gave up horses and began to drive automobiles.

Every day we may not notice some business is not there anymore. Let’s stop and see what’s coming next.

Why go through all the hassles of writing a letter when we can send email. And, now we can see the person we are talking to on the new cell phones.

I suppose I could go on but, hopefully you get my jest.

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