Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I Am an American

I am not a Mexican-American or a Latino-American or an Hispanic-American. I am an American whose ancestors were run out of the country by revolution. I thank god for the courage and hope my ancestors had that their progeny would someday reap the rewards this great country freely offers us all.

This is not an indictment on the Mexican people but on their corrupt government which is the cause of so much misery for so many. It seems everyone down there has his hand out: from the cop on the street to the presidency itself.

I just wish all those millions demonstrating in OUR streets would return to THEIR native country and demonstrate there. But No; they might get shot. It’s much easier to make demands in the land where you are an uninvited guest knowing that a bunch of no nothing lunatics will come out and root for you.

It seems to me that the more letters a person has after his/her name the dumber they are.

I never got quite close enough to get my BA. When I quit attending college, I determined that I would not be another college dropout. So, I began to self educate myself. History is one subject that has always fascinated me.

So, in my quest for knowledge I found out that no one was immune from being discriminated against. It didn’t matter if you were Irish, German, Italian, Jewish, Catholic, Pole, Chinese, etc, etc, etc.

So, instead of felling sorry for your sorry ass, stop whining, dig in and keep going. And, don’t look back.


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