Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Presidency

The president of these United States has a difficult job. The job ages the man by a good eight years or there abouts.

I like to think of the country as a very large family, each member vying for Dad’s attention. And when we don’t get what we want we like to think he doesn’t like us as much as any of our other siblings.

White people seem to believe that President Obama is all for black Americans. Black Americans seem to believe that the Prez owes them. Hispanic/ Latinos seem to believe the Prez isn’t doing enough for them. Conservatives seem to believe their voices aren’t heard.

Then there was George W. Bush. Black Americans really believe he was the white man’s president. Hispanic/ Latinos seem to believe the Prez didn’t do enough for them and conservatives believed their voices weren’t heard.

I have come to the conclusion that folks must have slept through civics class. The President is neither a magician nor a dictator though at times I believe President Obama wishes he had dictatorial powers.

Let me remind everyone: we have a three tiered form of government. Although at times it seems they are working at odds to each other and the will of the people.

Remember this: the President proposes but Congress disposes. The best a president can do is proposing the legislation he would like to see enacted by his party. The party leadership then goes to work and get everyone behind the president.

But, if you believe the average citizen has a chance then you haven’t heard of the all powerful lobby. There are 400 lobbyists for every one congressman and they have deep pockets. There are lobby groups for everything under the sun. The lobby group could care less about the general public. Their main focus is the bottom line of the particular interest they represent.

Don’t be lulled into believing your congressman has his constituent’s best interests at heart. Any talk of bringing jobs into the district is a payoff to some big contributor.

Long ago I read one of Will Durant’s books in which he stated when you make someone equal, you make someone else unequal. It’s a tricky business; someone’s got to loss for someone else to win.

Like in a large family, not everybody is going to be happy.


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